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Lear Capital Blog

  • scattered silver dollar pieces

    3 Things You Need to Know about Silver

    Silver has been a valuable commodity for centuries, used in everything from jewelry to electronics. Recently, there's been a lot of buzz around silver and its rapid rise in 2024. If you haven't been watching silver, here are three crucial things you need to know. 1. A Growing Silver Deficit: The Supply Shortfall Explained The …

    By Cher Cusumano on July 24, 2024
  • 7 Reasons to Seek a "Safe Haven"

    "We are living in turbulent times" is the maxim we keep hearing. Each day, this feels more true, especially after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life at a presidential campaign rally on July 13th. It's times like these when many investors rush to "safe haven" assets like gold and silver. And indeed, 2024 has …

    By Cher Cusumano on July 16, 2024
  • a circuit in the shape of a brain with

    We asked AI what could happen to the prices of gold and silver if Biden drops out of the presidential race. Here's what it told us...

    The price movements of gold and silver can be influenced by a variety of factors, including political events. If President Biden were to drop out of the presidential race, the impact on gold and silver prices could be significant due to the following reasons: Historical Context Looking at historical data can provide insights into how …

    By Cher Cusumano on July 8, 2024
  • A bank falling through a large crack in the floor

    Why Predictions of Bank Failures Keep Rolling in

    After the bank failures of 2023, many Americans-understandably-are on high alert. When a bank fails, it doesn't just impact the employees and customers of that bank. It can spark a damaging chain reaction that impacts the broader economy. For one, it can create panic and cause runs on other banks, causing even more to fail. …

    By Cher Cusumano on June 17, 2024
  • hands opening a wallet with $1 bills

    Attacks on the US Dollar Prove Relentless

    Recent developments have made the outlook for the US dollar even more grim. While our latest report Digital Dollars, De-Dollarization & Debt still rings true, it’s already somewhat out of date. The sad facts are: Recently the geopolitical analyst, investor, and thought leader Cyrus Janssen had our founder Kevin DeMeritt on his show to discuss …

    By Cher Cusumano on June 12, 2024

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