Wolf Street: US Government Debt Spikes by $1.2 Trillion Since Debt Ceiling, to $32.7 Trillion. Treasury to Add $1.5 Trillion in Debt by Year-End

Article by Wolf Richter in Wolf Street
To set the scene for what’s to come in a moment: The total US national debt spiked by $1.19 trillion since the debt ceiling was lifted, to $32.66 trillion.
And to set the scene further: This $32.66 trillion of debt is composed of two groups of Treasury securities:
- $6.9 trillion of nonmarketable (not traded in the market) Treasury securities that have been bought by US government pension funds, the Social Security Trust Fund, etc.;
- $25.7 trillion in marketable securities (Treasury securities held and traded by the global public, from regular folks to central banks, including the Fed).
Marketable securities outstanding have spiked by $1.05 trillion since the debt ceiling was lifted on June 2, a huge .....
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